Heating bills rising and rising and you cant keep up? A Ground Source Heat Pump could solve the problem.

 EEC Home Improvements Ground Source Heat Pumps

Did you know that we are only 40 years away from oil depletion, and there are only 65 years of gas left? * * (Source: Statistical Review of World Energy 2012). How will that affect us? Well it already has, no doubt you will have noticed a rise in your energy bills.

Now’s the time to consider various types of Renewable Energy options to improve your homes sustainability.

When we think of Renewable Energy we often think of Solar Panel Systems, Solar Thermal Systems or Wind Turbines but what about a Ground Source Heat Pump?

There are many benefits of installing a Ground Source Heat Pump. Ground Source Heat Pumps could lower your energy bills especially if you are switching from traditional electric heating, and could provide you with an income through the governments Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Depending on which fuel you are replacing, you could also contribute to lowering your homes carbon emissions, it will heat your home and provide hot water and need little maintenance – that’s why its called ‘fit and forget technology’.

A ground source heat pump works by absorbing energy from the ground via a series of pipes, which are laid under your garden. Heat is absorbed from the ground which is turned into fluid using a mix of water and anti freeze, then the system pumps the fluid into a heat exchanger, which in turn pushes heat into your home.

The length of the ground loop depends on the size of your home and the amount of heat you need. Longer loops can draw more heat from the ground, but need more space to be buried in. If space is limited, a vertical borehole can be drilled instead.

To find out if your property is suitable for a Ground Source Heat Pump contact EEC Home Improvements today. A heat pump installer will carry out a FREE survey and draw up any necessary plans to assess if your home is suitable.

Visit EEC Home Improvements Ground Source Heat Pump website HERE

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